1. The older I get, the more conservative I have become.
2. The older I get, I have learned to appreciate life and beauty more and more
3. I have learned to speak with GOD, and I feel we have mutual respect for one another.
4. I have learned to listen to people and I have mastered the art of the conversation and I do use this to my advantage... though many times my intentions may not be noble ones... but I am working to improve that part of me.
5. Getting women has gotten easier - (see #4) keeping them is an entirely different story. I have an idea of what it is that I want and what I don’t want in a woman... and I am not going to settle for anything else... I just wont... so... if I have to go through so many women looking for the one... it’s just something I’m going to have to do... poor me....
6. There are very few people you can rely on. I have given my loyalty and my friendship away to many whom did not deserve it only to be left out in the cold alone with a knife in my back... I trust no one really... and I can count my friends with two fingers. I keep my secrets to myself and never tell anyone the truth of my life... in fact if you were to gather everyone that I have ever known throughout my life and brought them together to speak about me... you would get entirely different stories and you still wouldn’t know the truth...
7. Only I know what will make me happy. So chase your dream no matter what the cost. If you have to leave your friends behind... leave them behind. If it means disappointing your family... disappoint them.... leave everyone behind who says you're crazy and that it will never happen for you... leave everyone behind that does not have faith in you and will not support your dreams and goals and ambitions... leave them all behind... you’ll meet others along the way to reaching your dreams... far more interesting and exciting people... and maybe one or two of them may just turn out to be the greatest friends you will ever make.
8. My enemies are not those that hate me for my freedom... my enemies are those who are taking my freedom away... I know that one day I will be hunted down and persecuted for wanting to live the life of a free man... I will live free or die...
9. John Lennon was right - all we need is love.
10. I do not give my faith or my money to religions. There is not a religion in the world that has yet to ease the suffering of the poor and the needy... religion has managed to separate the world and cause much pain and suffering in the name of their gods... men, women, and children all forced to suffer and die for their religion... or killed by a religion.... but they all boast that they are the one true faith and that God is on their side but they have not eased the suffering of the poor and the needy and the hungry of the world...
11. I put my faith in no government. Only I can provide for my own safety. Only I can provide my own financial security. Only I can assure my own privacy. Only I can keep myself safe and free... Governments rais taxes and pass laws that take away freedoms instead of solving problems... and their answer to solve a problem is usually worse than the original problem... Governments start wars and justify them with lies and pay for them with borrowed money and the blood of the poor and uneducated and faithfully blind... I will not pick up a gun and go to fight a war in another country that has nothing to do with me... let the politicians and bureaucrats slug it out with each other... leave me out of it... It is against the laws of my GOD to take another life... but don’t push me... The world is big enough for all of us. If we would all just be polite and courteous to one another and treat people the way we would like people to treat us - the world would not be in such a mess. If we would all just respect each other and mind our own business and think for our selves instead of letting religions and governments tell us how we should think then the world would be a better and safer place to live in .
12. John also said “give peace a chance”
Give it chance - what do we have to lose.... what the FUCK do we have to lose?!?
Do you want peace bad enough that you will demand it with a clenched fist in the air in front of the men and women elected to represent you and say to them - Stop fighting! Stop killing! Stop spending money we do not have! Stop and listen to us! WE WANT PEACE!!!
I do not know why people that demonstrate for peace are always treated like criminals... I do not know why people that work for peace are not protected and praised and held in the highest regards by the governments of the world... but instead are left to die at the hands of assassins...
Ghandi... Martin Luther King Jr.... John Lennon... I haven’t learned the reasons why yet... maybe... the world just doesn’t want peace bad enough...
13. I have learned that beauty is everywhere in everyone... and everyone has something beautiful to contribute to the world... but not everyone knows that they do...
14. Once you know what money is... and once you have defined success... and once you know what it is that you truly want... then making money and finding success and getting the things that you want will become much easier.
15. Love is the only thing worth living for... and sometimes dying for
2. The older I get, I have learned to appreciate life and beauty more and more
3. I have learned to speak with GOD, and I feel we have mutual respect for one another.
4. I have learned to listen to people and I have mastered the art of the conversation and I do use this to my advantage... though many times my intentions may not be noble ones... but I am working to improve that part of me.
5. Getting women has gotten easier - (see #4) keeping them is an entirely different story. I have an idea of what it is that I want and what I don’t want in a woman... and I am not going to settle for anything else... I just wont... so... if I have to go through so many women looking for the one... it’s just something I’m going to have to do... poor me....
6. There are very few people you can rely on. I have given my loyalty and my friendship away to many whom did not deserve it only to be left out in the cold alone with a knife in my back... I trust no one really... and I can count my friends with two fingers. I keep my secrets to myself and never tell anyone the truth of my life... in fact if you were to gather everyone that I have ever known throughout my life and brought them together to speak about me... you would get entirely different stories and you still wouldn’t know the truth...
7. Only I know what will make me happy. So chase your dream no matter what the cost. If you have to leave your friends behind... leave them behind. If it means disappointing your family... disappoint them.... leave everyone behind who says you're crazy and that it will never happen for you... leave everyone behind that does not have faith in you and will not support your dreams and goals and ambitions... leave them all behind... you’ll meet others along the way to reaching your dreams... far more interesting and exciting people... and maybe one or two of them may just turn out to be the greatest friends you will ever make.
8. My enemies are not those that hate me for my freedom... my enemies are those who are taking my freedom away... I know that one day I will be hunted down and persecuted for wanting to live the life of a free man... I will live free or die...
9. John Lennon was right - all we need is love.
10. I do not give my faith or my money to religions. There is not a religion in the world that has yet to ease the suffering of the poor and the needy... religion has managed to separate the world and cause much pain and suffering in the name of their gods... men, women, and children all forced to suffer and die for their religion... or killed by a religion.... but they all boast that they are the one true faith and that God is on their side but they have not eased the suffering of the poor and the needy and the hungry of the world...
11. I put my faith in no government. Only I can provide for my own safety. Only I can provide my own financial security. Only I can assure my own privacy. Only I can keep myself safe and free... Governments rais taxes and pass laws that take away freedoms instead of solving problems... and their answer to solve a problem is usually worse than the original problem... Governments start wars and justify them with lies and pay for them with borrowed money and the blood of the poor and uneducated and faithfully blind... I will not pick up a gun and go to fight a war in another country that has nothing to do with me... let the politicians and bureaucrats slug it out with each other... leave me out of it... It is against the laws of my GOD to take another life... but don’t push me... The world is big enough for all of us. If we would all just be polite and courteous to one another and treat people the way we would like people to treat us - the world would not be in such a mess. If we would all just respect each other and mind our own business and think for our selves instead of letting religions and governments tell us how we should think then the world would be a better and safer place to live in .
12. John also said “give peace a chance”
Give it chance - what do we have to lose.... what the FUCK do we have to lose?!?
Do you want peace bad enough that you will demand it with a clenched fist in the air in front of the men and women elected to represent you and say to them - Stop fighting! Stop killing! Stop spending money we do not have! Stop and listen to us! WE WANT PEACE!!!
I do not know why people that demonstrate for peace are always treated like criminals... I do not know why people that work for peace are not protected and praised and held in the highest regards by the governments of the world... but instead are left to die at the hands of assassins...
Ghandi... Martin Luther King Jr.... John Lennon... I haven’t learned the reasons why yet... maybe... the world just doesn’t want peace bad enough...
13. I have learned that beauty is everywhere in everyone... and everyone has something beautiful to contribute to the world... but not everyone knows that they do...
14. Once you know what money is... and once you have defined success... and once you know what it is that you truly want... then making money and finding success and getting the things that you want will become much easier.
15. Love is the only thing worth living for... and sometimes dying for
wow!!!)))) good.
oh, and poor those women using which U'll be trying to find r love. Not fair! U just can't stop. That is WHY
Lots of wisdom in here my friend...
Problemas con mi ordenador me han tenido alejada por unos días...
Espero que hayas tenido una buena Navidad, Dash. Para mi han sido unos bonitos días con las personas que más quiero, soy afortunada.
Me gusta tu forma de ver las cosas y creo que es una buena guía de vida. Amor, respeto, libertad...si no estamos aquí para hacerlos realidad nuestra vida no tendrá sentido.
Un abrazo y mis mejores deseos para este año que va a comenzar.
very wise...
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