Touch me in Portuguese
Love me in Italian
And bring me to my knees
Whisper my name softly
Hold me to your breast
Calm my restless heart
And lay me down to rest
Look at me with your Mayan eyes
Tickle me with your silky China hair
Take me to your holy paradise
And forever keep me there
Whisper my name softly
Hold me close to your heart
Shower me with your kiss - I only know this...
I’m lost at sea and you’re my only star

OHHH I am so recording this one... I got things all set up, will send you works soon...I still am having trouble with video studies...
Disfrutando de nuevo tu POESÍA...
Supongo que habrás visto los comentarios sobre tu vídeo en mi Cuaderno...todos de acuerdo en que es MAGNIFICO...
- I can't wait!
- Gracias... amiga - en unos minutos llego ha leer.
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