Sunday, October 17, 2010

She walks in beauty...


The Gaelic Wife said...

The video wouldn't load for me. Is there a direct youtube link?

dash deringer said...

don't know why it wont load for you - it is working - and I have not put it on youtube... sorry... it came out pretty good... try again later...

Wusel's... said...

Yes, there are some people who misunderstood the message. Zappa was one of the most intelligent people in the world and was often able to explain the world and its problems with only one critically ironic sentence. But it's no problem for me as I want only intelligent people, like for example you, to follow my blog. I like constructive criticisms, controversial discussions (like the Joplin discussion) and it's absolutely no problem when someone comments that he/she doesn't like something. But it's not a nice way to send very unfriendly e-mails.
Btw, I really like your blog. I'm working very much now and my constant lack of time often makes it impossible to leave comments but I follow every single one of your posts.
And I can watch all your videos.