This was first posted at
"A Kings Castle"
Sometime in October 2017
(link not available - because I can't find it yet)
All you have to do...
Is change the way you
think and you will change your life, no matter what situation you are
in or your circumstance – the way you think about it will determine
how you feel about it and that will result in your attitude – this
is where I am because of this and that, and it's “their” fault,
and I can't do anything about it... or are you pissed off enough to
make the changes you have to make and work through the struggles and
make the sacrifices that must be made to change the situation – do
you believe you were made for something better and this temporary
mishap is just part of a test... or are you simply indifferent and
don't care where you are and how you got there... because shit
happens... and it does my friends... many times shit just happens
that had nothing to do with the choices that you made and your
life... it was out of your control... but the next step is most
definitely up to you.
For many of us our
parents had nothing to teach us about the world – the things that
really mattered, what we would need to go from boys to men, no skills
or trade to pass down, nothing about money, no traditions to
preserve, no rituals to observe, no tribal honor to protect...
nothing, because they had nothing themselves – you went to school
and where given nothing outside of reading writing and mathematics to
help you as an adult, and then if you were fool enough you went to a
university you could not afford in hopes of finding a high paying job
so that you can pay off the loans you got for that education that
turned out to be worthless – how much good did it really do you?
Want to know what the
adults around me told me when I was young – they said study hard
and go to college or they would say join the military... no one
around me ever encouraged me or told me to learn a trade... to
develop any artistic talents, to enhance my communication skills and
become a sales man (and I was a sales man at one point – but no one
taught me how it was done or steered me in the direction to learn the
trade). No one ever told me were the high paying trade jobs were
working the oil fields (and my dad worked in oil at one point – but
no one ever encouraged me to go into it or explain all the
opportunities there). No one ever told me that I did not have to go
to college to sell life insurance or to become a broker
No one ever encouraged me
to save money and start my own business when I was young – but when
I did, those around me told me I was dumb for doing it because I did
not know what I was doing or that it was a stupid idea and it will
not work – “stop dreaming” my family told me “and get a real
job...” know what I did – I quit, because all those around me
filled my head with the idea that I would fail – so instead of
persevering and pushing on, I quit... and I kept quitting... that was
my failure... now, I won't lie to you, it did take me a very long
time to shake those words and thoughts out of my head... and a big
part of that was not letting anyone know what it was I was doing and
I went forward with the intent of proving that I could do it
(whatever it was I was working on). And it worked... and also... I
was just pissed off at everyone.
I know, friends, making
changes is not easy because you have been shaped through many years
by those around you and society at large to be the way you are now –
but take a very good look at your life and ask yourself if this is
what you want – to live as others want you to... to think as others
want you to – that may be fine for the socialist marching to the
same do-gooder chant... but I know it can't be good enough for you.
“Be careful what
you water your dreams with, water them with worry and fear and you
will produce weeds that choke the life from your dreams, water them
with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success”
- Lao Tzu
So let us start to make
those changes
Change #1. know what it
is that you truly want – I thought I wanted to be rich, but it
turned out that what I rally wanted was what being rich could afford
me – the life of freedom – freedom to come and go as I please,
freedom to live my life without explanations or excuses... freedom to
say what ever the hell I want to say and not be afraid of loosing my
job for it, freedom to give the world the finger and say “f*ck you,
and thanks for all the whores...” and disappear into the night. No,
you don't need money to do all that but, buddy, it's better to be
able to do it in style.
So figure out what it
truly is that you want and figure out the ways to get it – money is
just a tool, it is important to remember that – money is not the
thing that you want, it is the thing that money will get you –
focus on that thing not the money – the dream you are chasing...
the house, the car, the girl... the boat, the island, the shade of
that tree in a green valley far from the madness of the modern
world... find out what it is that you truly want and break it down so
that you can describe it in just a couple sentences on an index
card... and simply just focus on that thing that you want and move in
the direction of it.
“Cause you can't
get what you want – 'till you know what you want”
- Joe Jackson
Change #2. Take
advantage of all and every opportunity that comes your way – and
think it through before you say yes or no – No, I don't have a
problem moving garbage around for money... yes, I have a problem
thieving... no, I don't have a problem being separated from my family
for months at a time in order to provide for them... yes, I do have a
problem lying and cheating...
there are opportunities
coming and going if you are paying attention to the world around you
but you do have to know how much of your dignity and honor you are
willing to sacrifice for the sake of getting the things that you
want... is doing something today that will bite you in the ass
tomorrow worth it – today? Is doing something that could
potentially land you in the slammer worth it? These choices are up to
you – but remember that the choices you make you must man up and
own them... you can't just say – shit happens on that one.
But do take advantage of
all opportunities – and if there are none then create them – when
you look around you and see crowds of people looking down at their
phones walking into each-other like dummies – did you go out to buy
a phone just like theirs or did you set up a stand to sell them
phones? When everyone was getting tattoos did you rush out to get
one too or did you partner up with an artist and open up a tattoo
parlor? When the government told it's citizens that by law they had
to have insurance did you go out and get insurance or did you invest
in an insurance company that was going to raise their rates? Starting
to see the opportunities now – don't be a sucker... play that
sucker for all you can get... but be honest about it with yourself
about your intentions and your goal. Right now the Company google
is purging right leaning and conservative ideas from their platforms
– the one that provides a new platform for those looking for it,
that can equal or surpass the service the Google and YouTube provided
will have fat stacks of cash, my friends – and just because some
one else is doing it does not mean that you cannot – you just have
to give more and care more about the people giving you their money.
“Few people recognize
opportunity, becomes it comes disguised as hard work”
- Cary Grant
Change #3. Change your
space. Change how you live, by this I mean you have to change who and
what you surround yourself with. It has been said that you are the
people you hangout with – so, if it is true that you are hanging
out with a bunch of layabouts that do nothing but play video games
and smoke pot all night – then chances are that is all you will add
up to yourself, when you should be working your side hustle or
learning something new or at the very least working out. The same
thing has been written about your actual surrounding – where you
dwell – is it messy and cluttered and chaotic – does it reflect
your own life... are you messy cluttered and chaotic because of your
home or is your home a reflection of your life? An interesting
thought. I do collect things – books, art, vintage stuff – for
me it is an investment in things I feel can be sold off in the future
for profit, but I do not waste my time on too many luxuries, my
actual home is rather Spartan and after all these years I still have
unpacked boxes stacked against a wall... I am hardly ever there,
there is a sofa a couple of beds, a desk, a small table that I made
to eat at, an old radio that works when it wants to, some pots and
pans and that is it... but like I said, I am hardly ever there...
where I am at, my belongings fit into a closet and I can leave
whenever and not worry about them if I never return... I focus on
making money and my goal – which has been for some time now the
“Deringerville” project... nothing else matters to me. I don't
watch television and I don't listen to the radio – everything I
need to entertain myself I have on a hard drive and some books. I
keep the clutter limited only to my desk – I hate cleaning and
dusting so I make it easy for myself by not having anything that
needs attention – run a dust rag over the desk and a mop over the
floor and I am done... focus on my job... rest... do some writing...
try to draw a little... work out... step out for a bit to hang with
the gang and piss off the new world faggots and back home... I could
have much more than what I have now, but I really want to build that
farm and village and that will take money for what I plan – and
that is what it is all being stacked up for... trust me, some days I
want to blow it all on a new shiny boat... but, I think I want to
piss the world off more than chase my material desires... that is
more fun to me... and “Deringerville” will definitely piss off
the social justice do-gooder. The last year and a half I have been
focusing on finding the right land in the right place and the right
people to put this all together – once in a while I will distract
myself with a young lady, but when I am not with my gang or checking
on my business, then I am working on making the farm a reality... I
dream it and talk about it with anyone who will listen – it is my
only passion and focus... It gets me up in the morning and keeps my
up at night. I draw out plans and redraw them every time I come
across a new spot.
“Do what you can
with what you have where you are”
- Theodore
You may have to actually
get up and move away to a new place in order to change your space –
then do it. Get as far away from those that are bringing you down
with their negativity and the situation that surrounds you whether by
your own creation or some other design... get out and start over with
nothing someplace else... people go and find greener pastures
everyday and many of them go with very little or no money at all and
start over and make something out of themselves – but first do as
the quote above – do what you can with what you have where you
are... and save and plan and escape.
“Even if you're on
the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there”
- Will Rodgers
You must take action –
with out action everything else is useless – you know what you have
to do, you are confident in your plans and you know what it is that
you want... you just have to move in the direction of that thing,
pushing everything and everyone that is irrelevant to your desires
out of the way and you will find – if your intentions are worthy of
that thing that you want, things will fall into place and that thing
you are chasing will begin to move in your direction... that's just
the way it is.
Change #4. Be grateful
- I cannot stop saying this... and I may never will.
Here I will make a
confession – It was anger and hatred that fueled my material
desires at first... and I never expressed or acknowledged any
gratitude for the money I acquired and the material possessions and
comforts that came with it all... and I lost it – twice... and to
top it all... I made no preparations for the fall – there was no
plan B and nothing stashed away for those long rainy days... I was an
ass-hole who thought he knew it all and did not give one fuck about
anything- I just wanted more, more and more... until, as I have said
before, the universe kicked me (hard) in the dick and took it all
away... lesson learned the hard way... I am grateful for the money
that I make and I express that by giving to those in need with out
expecting anything in return for it and more money comes my way. I
am grateful for the opportunities I find and I express gratitude for
them by sharing what I know and what I learn with others and I find
myself stumbling upon more opportunities... I am grateful for my
health and grateful for the friends in my life and I find ways to
express my gratitude.. and since I became conscious of expressing
gratitude I find myself being abundantly blessed by more of the
things I express my gratitude for... I cannot explain it – I can
only say that there must be something very divine in it...
For many of you this may
sound like hog-wash... but keep this in mind – there are over ten
million Freemasons in the world in every position and occupation
imaginable and many of them study a little blue book called the
Kabalyon in order to decipher the laws of the universe and one of
those laws is the law of cause and effect - “Every cause has
its effect, every effect has its cause; everything happens according
to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many
planes of causation but, nothing escapes the law”
My teacher told me - “If
you can't beat'em, join 'em... if you can't join 'em, learn to think
like them...”
Change the way you think,
and you will change everything in your life.
“The happiness of
your life depends on your thoughts: therefore, guard then accordingly
and take care you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and
reasonable nature”
- Marcus Aurelius
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