Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So many words...

So many words ring out like bells
How do I use them - I don’t spell so well
I just rearrange them in the stories I tell...
So many words ring out like bells...

So many words floating in the night
how do I use them - I don’t know how to write
Still I must seduce them all before the morning light...
So many words floating in the night...

So many words calling out to me
Like kisses of the lovers in my fantasy
I chase them to the cliffs of my sanity...
So many words calling out to me...

So many words I still can’t find
Like the whispers that echo in my mind
From the voice of the one I had to leave behind...
So many words I still can’t find

1 comment:

Isabel Martínez Rossy said...

Palabras que se escapan, que te persiguen, palabras que te rehúyen o que vienen sin que las llames, palabras que no recuerdas, palabras que quieres olvidar...