Friday, January 29, 2010

nada sin ti...

I shot this about two years ago... the poem is twenty years old.


Chef E said...

Oh Dash, that last look, movement with your eyes speaks so much...

Beautiful piece...I now want to ask my son who is speaking fluent Spanish to interpret for me.

I suppose you saw my first attempt at a video on my latest post? Next, me reading my works in creative ways...

eMi said...

The way you move your eyes doesn't match with the sadness of the poem, but it's sounds awesome.

How come are you able to write poetry in a language which is not yours?!

dash deringer said...

It is quite a sad poem... but I'm over it...

About writing in a language which is not mine - English is not mine - it is the language I was force fed. I was born in a Latin American country and had the Spanish Practically beaten out of me... people don't usually believe me when I tell them I am not American... and when I go back home they never believe that I am one of them... and I do write in Spanish - I just have not posted my writings in my native language until now...

Isabel Martínez Rossy said...

Qué hermoso poema, Dash!!! la primera vez que te escucho hablar en castellano y me ha gustado el sonido de tu voz y tu dicción de "nuestra" lengua...(así entiendo mucho mejor :)... ¿Recuerdas la canción de Serrat que te dediqué? "No me siento extranjero en ningún lugar...qué más da aquí o allá..." los demás que lo vean como quieran, mi amigo