Thursday, May 28, 2015

How I rebel against the modern world...

The modern world is a fucking disaster - I look around and I see misery, anxiety, fear, anger... division... and hatred... the modern world and its new normal... good and beauty is bad - evil and ugly is good... you fucking fell for that shit... you abandoned tradition for this bullshit... well you can keep it - because when I look around in my travels and see happy people... they definitely are not part of the modern world... traditional  old fashioned men and women of strong morals and values... I see, are happy well adjusted people... they have not fallen for the con game being sold by the media... by these pundits of the modern world... you keep  your bullshit thank you - I am opting out... 

How I rebel against the modern world:

 - I wear suits several times a week, though I don’t have to -  because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I open doors for women and hold them open, though they may hate it - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I seek out male only spaces, barber shops and pubs... and pool halls - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - Sometimes, I just go to the barbers for a trim and a shave... and a shoe shine - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - Sometimes, I go to the horse track  - or the dog track (in a suit) just to hear the thunder... because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I hang out in underground dens and parlors - where men can be men... where the people that work and gather in them know more about the world and it’s workings than the sheep on the outside - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I go for long walks - in cities and in nature, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I travel by train when at all possible, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I go camping and hiking and sailing when I can, alone... for lack of friends that enjoy the things I do, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I collect books and stamps and old photographs, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I write and compose and draw and offer no explanations or excuses for it - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I cook, I clean, I iron... or pay a woman to come to my home and do it all for me - because that is the world I want to live in...

 - I do not use a cell phone - my phone conversations are of actual importance and the world does not need to know about it... because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I tip generously - because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I exercise... for obvious reasons, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I live a simple life with little material possessions and uncomplicated distractions, because that is the world I want to live in.
 - I prefer to court women... in a traditional old fashioned way... because that is the world I want to live in... but... I have been known to use many a modern girl like a whore and forget about her... for I will treat ladies like ladies... and whores like whores... because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I believe in traditional families and in Christian morals and values... and I acknowledge and respect it when I come across it, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I believe in honor and dignity... and I acknowledge and respect it when I come across it, because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I enjoy and admire feminine, gentle, kind, simple uncomplicated traditionally minded women... and I acknowledge and respect them when I come across them... because that is the world I want to live in.

 - I give thanks and am grateful for the things I have... I find that when I focus on the things I want and the people I wish to surround myself with... I find it... and I am grateful for it... and the more I acknowledge and give thanks for these things and the people... I see and am surrounded by more if it... I don’t know how it works... I don’t know why it works... I simple only know that it does work... sometimes the modern world overwhelms me... but the flow shifts and I am back on top... in the world I wish to live in...

 - I believe in “the Golden Rule” - and I try hard to live by it... but sometimes... just some times...  I have to kick a man in the dick - I have never... ever, started a fight... and I don’t get involved in other peoples problems.... and I don’t give a damn about the way you live your life... don’t tell me how to live mine... you do you - I’ll do me... because that is the world I want to live in...

when fathers ruled the world
don't try to convince me that the modern family is more
 appealing than this image here...


Unknown said...

This is a beautiful post - positive action, tinged with melancholy - really struck a nerve. I do many of those very same things. The sailing alone is particularly poignant for me. There are few things I find more humbling or religious than being at sea, by yourself, under the stars. That feeling of peace, of connection to your ancestors, and of being truly alive - knowing your skill and your wits are all that can see you safe to harbour, when not a soul knows you are out there.

I know that yearning feeling, to which this whole post speaks, intensely.

Simon said...

The revolution starts at home, with each of us, with little things like this.

Every little one of these things is a little victory in a larger war.

dash deringer said...

It's the little things that keep me sane...

- being alone at sea and knowing that not a soul knows you are out there - is a feeling you must experience to understand... when it's just you and God and the water... when I was young I almost drowned in a river... it was muddy and the water was flowing very heavy and I went out too far into it... got picked up in the current and I couldn't swim back to shore - the current was too strong... I panicked and was tired... and began to go under... I could see my friends where I left them... they did not know I was out there being carried away by the water... I remember saying a prayer - or making a bargain with God... and going under... I tried to calm myself and relaxed my body... I woke under a bridge were they found me... that was the first time I almost drowned - I'm still not a strong swimmer... but by the water is were I belong.

Anonymous said...

Lovely post. The world is beautiful. I live in a modern world because it's where I live. My husband's job is tied to it, our livelihood is tied to it but that's as far as it goes. I like to surround myself with people who have traditional Christian values as well. Since I was in my twenties, I have always kept company with wise, older Christian women. I feel very comfortable around women in their 60s, 70s, 80s, plus. I've learned a lot from them . . . how to be a good wife and mother, how to cook, how to be a good hostess. Most of all I've learned how to have quiet strength in troubled times. It's called faith. ---Oh my, I'm gonna copy this one to my journal. Go me!!!

Deb Normand formerly known as Whitewraithe said...

I did not realize men such as yourself still existed.

Bravo to you, sir.

I fully support your independent thought and for being a "real" man.

Too bad there aren't more of you around.

You're a gem any non-feminist woman would treasure.

dash deringer said...

Whitewraithe -

thank you for your comment - I do not know if I am a real man - I only know that I wish to be more like the kind of men my grandfathers were... and I try hard to be like them... my father was born handsome and charming and had the power to bend the world to his will... unfortunately he squandered that all away... and left this son of his to learn everything he knows about the world on his own... and the one truth I have found is - the world our grandfathers lived in was not perfect... but it was not this garbage we live in now... and if we want to save this world - we must go back to that world... to their morals and their values... to their strength and their traditions... there are more men like me out there you would think...

By the way - I have been to your site - Pragmatic Witness many times before... I had a blog very much like it several years ago but shut it down... I am glad you are out there spreading the truth on the wire... keep up the good work and keep an eye out - things just keep getting stranger and stranger... also - I love your icon...

thank you for coming by and don't be a stranger...