Friday, March 19, 2010

if you forget me...


Isabel Martínez Rossy said...

Este poema de Neruda se me hace un poco extraño, a veces aunque alguien te olvide no es tan fácil olvidarlo...¿no crees?...
...Me alegra verte sonreir, así, relajado...
Un abrazo, mi amigo

eMi said...

Do you always chat so much in bed? Hahaha

Love your video journal. Great poem, beautifully read and wonderful music (I've already become a fan of Sakamoto!).

dash deringer said...

quisiera poder olvidar algunas y recordar mas de otras... olvidar los besos de una... y recordar mas los brazos de otra...

yes - I get quite chaty when I do not sleep... if you notice how my eyes keep blinking in the video... it is because I was on my second night without sleep... and I was going on about relationships and friendships - a video conversation I was having with a female friend of mine that I sent this video to... she responded by overlaying the poem - read by Madona, and sending it back... I added the effects and sountrack and.... that was that... and I believe everyone should have a little Sakamoto in their lives...